Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Germany. Department of Computer Science, Potsdam. 5 days [T. Schaub, M. Gebser, M. Ostrowski]

  • Chile. Centro de Modelimiento Matematico, Santiago. 10 days [A. Maass]

  • Internship April to July, 2012. Co-supervised by Anne Siegel and Sylvain Prigent. Student : Floriane Ethys de Corny. Subject: Improvement of metabolic networks. Application to Ectocarpus siliculous.

Visits to International Teams

  • Austria. Department of Mathematics, Leoben & Vienna. Dynamical systems. 5 days [A. Siegel]

  • Burkina-Faso. Department of Computer Science, Oagadougou. Multi-objective methods for the static analysis of metabolic network. 2 months [O. Abdou-Arbi]

  • Chile. Centro de Modelimiento Matematico, Santiago. Metabolic modeling of bacteria. 14 days [D. Eveillard]

  • Chile. Centro de Modelimiento Matematico, Santiago. Data integration. 7 days [A. Siegel]

  • Chile. Centro de Modelimiento Matematico, Santiago. Applications of ASP. 21 days [S. Thiele]

  • Chile. Centro de Modelimiento Matematico, Santiago. Applications of ASP. 10 days [S. Videla]

  • Germany. Department of Computer Science, Potsdam. Constraint-based approaches. 5 days [J. Nicolas]

  • Germany. Department of Computer Science, Potsdam. Application of ASP to biology. 5 days [A. Siegel]

  • Germany. Department of Computer Science, Potsdam. Reconstruction of metabolic networks. 10 days [S. Thiele]

  • Germany. Department of Computer Science, Potsdam. Learning logical rules for protein signaling networks. 2 months [S. Videla]

  • Niger. University of Maradi. Multi-objective methods for the static analysis of metabolic network. 1 month [O. Abdou-Arbi]

  • UK EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute. Learning logical rules for protein signaling networks. 3 days [S. Videla]